High School Bigs

A young man and his mentor playing a drumset.

High School Bigs is a site-based mentoring program that fosters meaningful connections between high school students and younger children in elementary or middle school.

This initiative pairs High School Bigs with Littles in a structured, supportive environment where both mentors and mentees can flourish.

For the High School Bigs, this program is an invaluable opportunity to cultivate leadership skills and strengthen their ties to the community. By stepping into the role of a mentor, they gain hands-on experience in guiding and supporting younger students, which contributes to their personal growth, sense of responsibility, and self-confidence.

For the Littles, the High School Bigs serve as inspiring role models, offering encouragement and guidance in a safe and nurturing setting. The program helps Littles build self-esteem, enhance academic performance, and develop a stronger sense of identity and purpose.

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